Aaron Eckhart Excited To Have His Face Burned Off

Aaron Eckhart is going to be Two Face in the next Batman movie, and he's giddy as a schoolgirl at the prospect of eventually having his face burned off on camera. But then, what schoolgirl isn't excited about that sort of thing? It's a rite of passage, like having your period or unwanted pregnancy.
""Batman is a complex character, and Two-Face comes a little bit from the same world," Eckhart told MTV.com. "But [at the same time] he's apart from it. ... I'm looking for the tension between the two, the similarities between the two."
He added, "I want to find what's similar to Batman and then find what's opposite to him."
Eckhart confirmed that he will only play Dent in Dark Knight but will portray Two-Face in the next Bat-film. He would not, however, comment on the rumor that The Joker (Heath Ledger) is responsible for Dent's scarring and transformation from good guy to bad."
To assist Eckhart in researching the role, many fans - myself included - will be offered the chance to throw a tennis ball at a target. If they hit the target, Eckhart, sitting on a collapsible chair, will be plunged into a boiling pool of hydrochloric acid.
It's called method acting, people.
Labels: Aaron Eckhart, Batman, Sequels, two face