Satan Just Got A Whole Lot Gayer

It's likely that most people won't be particularly excited by the news that there's an adaptation of Paradise Lost in the works. the book learnin', they'll drawl. i don't do dem book learnin'. me like-a da american idols. And then, of course, at the thought of their favorite television program, they jump up and down excitedly for a few hours, clapping and cheering at their own marvelous memory. Great. But look who's up for the lead part! Daniel Craig! Heath Ledger!
"The New York Times reports that Vincent Newman, producer of the $100 million feature film of John Milton's poem "Paradise Lost", has pegged both actors as top choices for the role of Lucifer.
The film, likely to be directed by Scott Derickson ("The Exorcism of Emily Rose"), is based on John Milton's 17th-century epic poem which tells the story of Lucifer's fall and the temptation of Adam and Eve.
The writers are deliberately moving away from the Milton touches to the text and Adam and Eve aspect in favour of the war of archangels - the battle in Heaven between God’s and Satan’s armies.
The aim is also to make the Devil into a deeper and more interesting character along the lines of Henry Hill in "Goodfellas"."
I won't pretend to know who's the better choice for the part, but I will propose the best way to resolve the conflict. Wrestling in oil. Mmm.
Labels: Daniel Craig, Heath Ledger, Satan
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