Even The Military Is Fucking Scared of Jack Bauer

I happen to be among the few people who haven't seen an episode of 24. I am not proud of this fact, yet, I find it personally vindicating to the show that even having never seen a single bit of it, I still know better than to fuck with Jack Bauer. The United States military, however, apparently doesn't. They recently took issue with 24's torture scenes, and have asked them to tone it down a bit.
"Brigadier General Patrick Finnegan recently visited the set of the hit show in California to speak to the show's makers. Finnegan is concerned about the effect the torture scenes are having on US troops abroad as 24 is popular among members of the American armed forces. According to the New Yorker, Finnegan told the producers, "I'd like them to stop. They should do a show where torture backfires. The kids see it and say, 'If torture is wrong, what about 24?' The disturbing thing is that although torture may cause Jack Bauer some angst, it is always the patriotic thing to do." Human Rights First spokesman David Danzig says, "I think there is no question (that torture scenes are having an effect). We have spoken to soldiers with experience in Iraq who say, for young soldiers, there is a direct relationship between what they are doing in their jobs and what they see on TV. The image of the US and its military is being affirmed.""
Interestingly enough, no prisoners at Guantanamo Bay were asked whether or not the torture scenes have had an effect on their daily lives. This is probably either because they happen to be intensely loyal fans of the show, or maybe just due to the fact that our brave men and women have long since removed their tongues.
By the time you read this, Jack Bauer will have already assassinated the entirety of the United States military in order to express his annoyance at their requests to change the show. Like you didn't see that coming.
Labels: 24, Jack Bauer, Kiefer Sutherland, TV
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