Zombies Continue To Make Everything Around Them Cooler

Just when you thought the world was nothing more than Nicholas Cage movies and eternal darkness of unending pain...look! Zombie movie! Zombie movie trailer! Zowie!
The movie in question is Fido, which revolves around the age-old question of whether or not we can trust domesticated zombie pets. I'm totally fucking serious, and consequently, I'm also totally fucking aroused.
Furthermore, if this doesn't make you question the things that you asked for at Christmastime during your childhood, well, something's wrong. Let me see here...I could have a plastic star wars spaceship toy, or I could have a fucking slave zombie that I can name Humphrey or Bing and, delirious with joy, train to take little annoying bites out of all of my friends. "Give me your bag of Sun Chips, fucko," I'd growl menacingly. "Or Frida my Zombie makes your scrotum into an appetizer platter."
Labels: horror movies, Trailers, zombies
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