MPAA Chief Could Use Some More Tits

Mr. Dan Glickman commented recently to Daily Variety that he'd like to see more use of the nc-17 rating by upcoming independent movie producers.
"MPAA chief Dan Glickman is encouraging independent filmmakers to make more films that would earn them an NC-17 rating. According to Daily Variety, Glickman acknowledged that producers often face a stone wall erected by exhibitors to keep out NC-17 films. He said he plans to meet with theater owners to persuade them to drop the barrier. "It's one of our ratings, and I'd like to see it used more," he said."
Glickman went on to acknowledge the MPAA's sincere wish for renewed cinematic exploration of fisting parties, bukkake festivals, competitive sexual abuse of livestock, gratuitous violence against the elderly, and the slaughtering of puppies in big canvas sacks.
"There're really just underutilized topics for movies," he gushed, attaching an electrical current to his scrotum and squealing in pleasure. "MAKE IT HURT FOR DADDY!"
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