Thanks, M Night, We're...Um...All Set With Pieces of Shit Right Now

There are a lot of really good movies out right now. This makes me feel strange; it feels like there's a large, gaping void in the cinematic world right now. We need more putrid, second-rate pieces of shit to fill that proverbial void. The only question that M. Night Shyamalan is asking is this: "Doesn't anybody want my feces to fill that void? The answer is apparently an emphatic "No thanks, tard," as every studio in the world has passed on M. Night's new script that he's shopping around.
" Unfortunately, it looks like it is a pass around town, or a Pasadena. Pasadena is a term in the script world used when a new spec hits the town and has no buyers or takers. So far, Universal, Paramount, Warner Brothers and Sony have all passed. Ouch!
The last word I heard was that Fox was still having a look, but it's looking like it'll get a pass there too.
Not much is known about GREEN PLANET {the script in question), but I will report back as soon as I get any information. Now, because it wasn't purchased in the first round, that doesn't neccessarily mean that GREEN PLANET won't find a home. Many scripts don't sell first round out but what makes this interesting is that this is M. Night Shyamalan. He dominated the spec script world with everything he put out. His scripts would only be on the market 24-48 hours! After THE SIXTH SENSE, M. Night could wipe his ass with some paper and it would sell."
M. Night is obviously looking in the wrong place for movie-making ideas. There's one thing that the public wants, buddy, and let me reveal that to you right now: Lady In The Water 2: More Ladies, More Water. This time, it's set in the Arctic Ocean, where's there are a few dozen of the sea nymphs, and they've got to save humanity from dark creatures!
Only they're trapped in the freezing wasteland with no way out so they starve to death slowly and painfully. It's sort of a twist ending, but with much more drawn-out pathetic moaning and begging for help.
Labels: M. Night Shyamalan
Signs, Unbreakable and The Village are three of the worst movies I've ever seen. I could probably add Lady in the Water to that list but I would rather fellate Rosie O'Donnell than watch that shit.
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