Tobey Maguire Lukewarm About That Whole "Success" Thing

In a bit of news seemingly sent from God himself to give me another reason to hate Spiderman movies, Tobey Maguire says he's not too into doing anymore of them.
"Maguire says 'This might be a good place to stop - I am not tied contractually to any more Spider-Man movies. I am not completely closed to the idea of another one if it made sense but I would say the odds were in favor of this being the last one.'"
That's great, Tobey, and I'm sure that you're a wonderfully diverse, talented actor. Just let me know how quitting the most successful superhero franchise of all time leaves you in 10 years. You know, when you're doing lines in a Motel 6 with Mark Hamill and Adam West and trying to go to sleep at night without weeping.
Best of luck, kid.
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